

Target Laboratory

This laboratory is one of the user support laboratories which provides facilities and necessary help to the user community for the preparation of thin films and targets required to perform experiments using the Pelletron, in the areas of Nuclear Physics, Atomic Physics, and Materials Science. More than 100 thin films and targets are prepared per year in this laboratory. Along with the preparation of targets, the laboratory also prepares 5 microgram/cm 2 thick, free-standing carbon foils used as a stripper for the 15UD Pelletron accelerator. Approximately 600-800 stripper foils are used in the Pelletron in a year...

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Detector Laboratory

Detector Laboratory at Inter-University Accelerator Centre provides infrastructure & support for the development of radiation detectors for various research experiments. Considering the importance of heavy-ion nuclear reaction research at IUAC, special attention has been made to the development of low-energy heavy-ion detectors. These include low-pressure multiwire proportional chambers, ionization detectors, and silicon strip detectors. The laboratory is involved in research & development of multi-channel readout electronics for strip detectors, fast timing pre-amplifiers, and pulse shaping amplifiers...

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A heavy-ion Rf-superconducting LINAC booster project for the 15UD Pelletron accelerator is near completion at Nuclear Science Centre. The acceleration would be performed with several superconducting quarter-wave resonators made of niobium which has a critical temperature of 9.2K. Therefore, the resonators have to be cooled below their critical temperature to make operational, hence requiring liquid helium [4.2K] and associated cryogenic system. The Superconducting Linac consists of one Buncher cryostat, three Linac cryostats, and a Rebuncher cryostat. Liquid Helium is produced by the LHe plant and transfers the liquid to the cryostats through the distribution line...

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Vacuum Laboratory

High Vacuum Laboratory is primarily responsible for maintaining the vacuum, vacuum systems, and diagnostic devices in the beamlines and experimental facilities. There are about 600 instruments (pumps, gauges, valves, diagnostic BPM, Faraday cups, device controllers, etc.) installed and running in different places. Faulty instruments are replaced with available spares to reduce downtime.

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Beam Transport System

Beam Transport System (BTS) Group is responsible for the design, fabrication, installation, and maintenance of magnet power supplies and other BTS-associated instruments. To achieve a high uptime of BTS, the group executes “Yearly Scheduled Preventive Maintenance” (YSPM) of BTS instruments of all the accelerator facilities at IUAC. Additionally, the BTS group also performs preventive maintenance and repair of detector bias high voltage power supplies in use at different experimental facilities.

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Data Support Laboratory

The Data Acquisition Group at IUAC provides support for all the Nuclear Physics and Atomic physics users for acquiring and analyzing the experimental data. The mandate of the group is to design, develop and maintain all the DAQ systems at IUAC. The indigenous development reduces the cost & the import substitution, to support the ‘Make in India’ campaign in IUAC. Recently the new VME based data acquisition system have been designed and developed to fullfil the need of the experimental setups at IUAC using commercial analog to digital converters (ADC), time to digital converter (TDC), Scalar, charge to digital converter (QDC) etc., along with the indegeneously designed and developed DAQ software, the VME crate controller module and the event identifier module....

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Electronics and RF Laboratory

Nuclear Electronics, Radio Frequency Electronics, Electronics Industry Links...

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High Performance Computing Laboratory

LK2 is finally up, after a chiller replacement and miscellaneous troubles. SIESTA (version siesta-3.0-b) is now centrally available on k2 and a separate queue 'siesta. q' has been configured! Please contact us for access to it. Please use your directory in the /mnt/oss partition to store jobs and job-related data. Please don't store excess data in your home directory in /export....

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Teaching Laboratory

ExpEYES is from the PHOENIX project of Inter-University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. It is a hardware & software framework for developing science experiments, demonstrations, and projects without getting into the details of electronics or computer programming. It converts your PC into a science laboratory. PHOENIX (Physics with Home-made Equipment and Innovative Experiments) project was started, in 2005 as a part of IUAC's outreach program, with the objectives of developing affordable laboratory equipment and training teachers...

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The library has got the necessary infrastructure and facilities to meet the diversified information requirements of scientists, engineers, research scholars, and students of IUAC and its user community from various universities and institutions all over the country. The major resources of the library include books, journals, reports, conference proceedings, manuals, and Ph. D. thesis. The library has a computerized book catalog and it can be searched through the library intranet. The library is open round the clock, 7 days a week throughout the year. This unique facility helps...

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Engineering Division

Details of the Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Division ....

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Academic Cell

Objective of the academic cell is to interface between users and facilities....

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Inter-University Accelerator Centre (IUAC), a premier R&D institute under the University Grant Commission (UGC), Government of India, is working in the areas of development and applications of IUAC...

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The prototype quarter-wave resonator (QWR) for the IUAC-Superconducting Linac (SC Linac) was designed and developed in collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), USA...

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Official Language Cell

The Official Language Cell of the Inter-University Accelerator Centre, constituted in the year 2018, functions as an important part of the general administration of the Centre. The objective of this cell is to comply with the provisions of the Official Language Act, 1963 and the Official Language Rules, 1976 made under it in the functioning of the Centre....

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