About the Laboratory
Data Support Laboratory (DSL) at Inter-University Accelerator Centre provides support to users for all the Nuclear physics and Atomic physics Data Acquisition setups in various beam lines and DATA room.
DATA SUPPORT LAB (Next-gen Instrumentation & Acquisition Systems)
The data acquisition group NIAS-DSL caters to the DAQ needs of the nuclear and partical physics experimental setups @ IUAC. Mandate of the group is to design, develop and maintain the DAQ systems at IUAC. The indigenous development reduces the cost & import of modules to support the Make in India campaign in IUAC.
The group maintains both VME and CAMAC based DAQ systems @IUAC along with in-house developed GPL based softwares like MARS, CANDLE, BPA and MAPS. Over the years the group has developed, lots of software and hardware related to data acquisition and control system applications.
Recently a VME crate Controller ROSE and an Event identifier module VGEM along with its software MARS (Multi-parameter Acquisition with Root based Storage) has been developed to cater the need of Data Acquisition at IUAC. The crate controller ROSE is used in IUACs accelerator control systems also.
A CAMAC crate controller LPCC, a 14 bit resolution ADC AD814 and an event identifier module GEM was developed earlier for CAMAC based DAQ systems at IUAC. The software CANDLE was developed for CAMAC based DAQs, which is a GUI cum collection and analysis engine, developed over years to its full strength for data analysis capabilities etc. Initially it was made for 32 bit systems later upgraded to support 64 bit system.
Software Developments
The GUI and analysis softwares required for Data Acquisition Systems have been developed in-house to support home made DAQ modules along with the ‘root (CERN)’ templates to support the users in their data analysis.
- NiasWebVIEW – A remote online daq system Viewer of the running DAQ.
- MARS (Multi-parameter Acquisition with Root base Storage) – Online acquisition software package for ROSE based VME DAQ
- BPV (Beam Profile Viewer ) – Software to view and analyse the beam profiles.
- MAPS (Multi Axis Positioning System) @ ASPIRE -- Online control for Radiation biology studies.
- CANDLE (Collection & Analysis of Nuclear Data using Linux nEtwork) – Online acquisition software package for LPCC based CAMAC DAQ.
- Freedom – Online acquisition package for commercial controllers.
- SERDA (Simulation of Elastic Recoil Detection & Analysis software) – Simulation software for ERD (Material science).
- HIRA control system – Control system for heavy ion reaction analyser setup.
Hardware cum firmware Developments
- ROSE: Readout Ordained Sequencer Engine - VME crate Controller
- VGEM: VME Global Event identifier Module
- BPD: Beam Profile Digitizer – Stand alone
- FDC: Frequency to Digital Converter – CAMAC & VME
- ASPIRE: Automated Sample Positioning and IrRadiation Equipment for Radiation biology Experiments – Stand alone
- GEM: Global Event identifier Module - CAMAC
- AD814: 14 bit Peak sensing Analog to digital Converter - CAMAC
- LPCC: List Processing Crate Controller - CAMAC
- GCXRR: Goniometer control module with control for X-Ray Reflectometry - CAMAC
ROOT based Data Analysis & Geant4 Simulations
To help the faculties / students for their analysis using ROOT; ROOT macros were written for specific physics requirements of different experimental facilities.
ROOT macros | ||
Calibrate.cpp | CheckMatrix.cpp | CoincTest.cpp |
ROOT templates | |
MarsAnalyze.C | CheckMatrix |
MarsMatrix.C | MarsCombinedEfficiency.C |
MarsTransitions.C | MarsNandPlot.C |
MarsAutoCalibrate.C | MarsHiraTuning.C |
Group Members and Contact Details

Mamta Jain

Kusum Rani

For more details
please visit our website http://www.iuac.res.in/NIAS
NIAS - Data Support Lab, (nias.iuac@gmail.com) Room # 111, Inter University Accelerator Centre, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi -110067, INDIA.