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Conference Date

Feb 21, 2022 - Feb 22, 2022

Conference Location

IUAC, New Delhi

Conference Convener

Event Convener

Conference Poster

Objective of School on Data Acquisition Systems (DAS)

A two day school on "Data acquisition systems" (DAS) is being organised at Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) on 21st and 22nd February 2022. The school is planned to provide a detailed perspective from signal generation to high resolution, high speed data acquisition systems and their evolution. The school would consist of lectures, tutorial classes for young researchers working in the field of experimental nuclear physics. Experts from the field from different national labs would be invited to deliver lectures. This school is primarily for the benefit of PhD scholars and young researchers.

Program Schedule Click Here

Contact Us

School on Data Acquisition Systems (DAS)
IUAC, New Delhi